Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Judges Are Tired of divorce cases

The first meeting with the judge went great. The judge orders us to see counselor twice a week for six months.
Our church was neutral ground and Donny liked it because it was free. I hated because everyone in the church now knows our business. Our pastor who married us asked what would rip so far apart. Of course Donny says I have been disobedient as a wife, and I wanted to lower my own child’s education.
I told the pastor this is marriage is a dictatorship and also dinners with Tess and loaning her money should not be happening.
The pastor called us both out of order and told Donny loaning Tess money does not fix her money problems. Also his tone should never be used around a woman at all. The pastor then told Mya that that Donny had emotionally invested in her and Lois and that is why he wants the best for Lois education.
The pastor made us hold hands and pray together as couple. The pastor prayed because biblically Mya or Donny had no reason for divorce.

The old friend of Mya’s ex

“Mrs. Foxworth please come right this way. I am Alicia an associate attorney. Mr. Crane has case today so I will be doing your asset review, but not the deal. I noticed you have purchased most of thing in his name and not yours,” said Alicia.
“Let him have the house, cars, clothes, phones, computers, electronics, maid, cooks, butlers, I just want business, my name, my daughter, and that is all,” said Mya.
“You have the right to maintain your life style Mrs. Foxworth,” said Alicia.
“You work under two men Alicia. I own my business, my daughter is not his biologically, and, my name is on building I own and several business cards, websites, and it is my signature on sealing the deal. I want to keep my name. I would lose millions to change it back to my maiden name. I can tell you are not married with any children. I was independent woman before Donny, and I plan to be one again,” said Mya.
A door flings open and out walks a man that Mya had not seen for years.
“If it is not Mya Foxworth! You do not recognize your old friend Terrell? Lorenzo killed himself after you left. He found out about Lois and you leaving. He found out you married some rich guy and he overdosed Mya,” said Terrell.
Mya could care less if Terrell was telling the truth because she was in her own battle. Terrell was on drugs, and most likely he finally got caught.
“I think it is best you sign a legal separation from your husband,” said Alicia.
Mya signed the legal separation because she wanted nothing to do with Donny if he was letting Tess the financial burden back in his life.

The Two Classmate of Donny

    Donny went to his 20 year high school reunion without his wife. He is one of the most successful men monetary wise making over a million dollars a few years in a role. Romantically he did not look so well since he was alone. Max and Carrie Hunter stood up at his wedding when he married Mya.
Carrie always thought that Donny had a temper and maybe he abused Mya, but Max thought maybe that Donny was sick of taming a hood rat like Mya. The Hunters gave the success awards out to four, but hurt to see three couples come to stage and their friend alone.
Donny and Max had gone through being each other best man at each other’s weddings to now distance friends. Max and Carrie moved when Max was transferred to Texas. Carrie found out she was not fertile and could not have children. Donny could have had child with Mya but chose his business.

Battle two begins with lawyers

       Mya had been served with divorce papers by Donny who says obey him or stay gone. Tess was already shoving herself back into his life. Amy and Jay the good friend’s of Tess and decided to encouraged this change of heart Tess had. Tess would not cheat while Donny was married because she was such a Christian as well as Amy and Jay. Mya knew that Tess was a woman with an agenda to steal her husband and pay her bills and live a luxurious life off him.
       Anne who was age 27 made sure his morning coffee was from the most expensive coffee shop on the corner and his emails were responded to in record time. She also was the person who scheduled a meeting with Robert and Richard. Robert was a lawyer who practices law in Divorce.
       Robert did not deliver papers himself, but Carlos a tall Cuban who is age 41 made sure the paper was delivered to Mya.
       Mya was ready because she hired Ivan Crane to take her case. He was a man who went to law school called Harvard. He is good at getting the maximum dollar in a settlement, and he was surprised there was no prenatal agreement.
       Mya made clear that she did not want half of his business long as he waves his right to have half of her business. Crane said that should be no problem since he probably did not want give that up.
       Robert responded quickly to the business proposal and said that Donny agreed. He also wanted to pay child support for Lois and have visitation rights. Mya did not think that he deserved visitation and he can keep his money.
That was going to have be left up to a judge to decide.

The Move Out

       Two weeks have gone by since Mya moved out of the mansion and into an apartment. To make things worse Tess shows up to Donny’s job and they have lunch at an Italian restaurant together where he loans her $500.00.
 Sarah was at desk and made sure see rubbed in Donny was out with Tess. If Mya made a scene by showing up to that location she looks desperate and unconfident. She still had the house keys and Miranda could pick up Lois. Mya paid the staff and released them for the entire day. Donny came in about 7:00 p.m. He did notice the staff was missing and wonder where every one went.
       “You are never going to get that Tess only dated you because of credit card and cash in your wallet. How much did she get out of you this time,” said Mya.
       “You left out of this house, and unless you come back it is none of your business,” said Donny.
       “Tess is not your wife, my last name is Foxworth! I will not have her showing up an taking every dime I worked for because you never think with your brain when she is around. I worked hard to maintain this home and you as well. I will not let Tess make a fool out of me or Sarah your 28 year old receptionist,” said Mya.
       “I am not sure why Sarah told you where I was and who I was out with. That is information she should not reveal,” said Donny.
       Mya was so sick of tired of Tess causing stress. Donny handed Mya divorce papers and told Mya to sign them or move back in house and obey by his rules. Mya rips the paper in half and tells “When the Devil is room it time for her to leave,".

The Rift

     Mya had put Lois in a public school, but she was unaware that the school had called Donny to inform him about the negative blog on a school social network. Donny was so furious that Mya did not keep Lois home for a few days and put her in private school.
       “Mya can we talk in the family room immediately, a public school called me today saying Lois wrote a negative blog on the school social network! We agreed she would go to a private school! She is being insubordinate because she is used to a certain environment in private school,” Said Donny.
       “Donny I wasted close to 40 hours of my business time and manpower at my company to find her private company, and unless we are shipping her off to boarding school across seas she has to attend a public school until the end of this year,” said Mya.
       “She has a passport, and boarding schools have living quarters,” said Donny.
       Mya basically set Donny on fire with her words and told him she has endured everything she can take, and she has lifted him up so many times when he was down, she has given her church to attend his church, she has not had another child because he did not want one, she has allowed him to be a father to her child, she given up most of her old friends because he said they were holding her back.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Public or Private that is the question....

      Mya was upset because when she married Donny it was because they agreed to share parent responsibilities not dictate to one another to fix things. Donny has dictated to Mya how to handle Lois Foxworth school situation. Mya decided she was enrolling Lois in public school for the remainder of the school rather Donny liked or not.
     "I will have Lois in school by tomorrow morning. I need to begin my conference call with my staff now," said Mya to her husband.
       The staff of the house cleaned up the dishes, washed the table, vacuumed the dinning room, and turned off the light.
       Mya told her staff that they would be taking on a series of charity events, and also bridal work. Mya was not used to assisting with such events since offices were her main target or small businesses starting up. Mya has decorated law firms too look more friendly towards women, help small business owner lay out their products displays in better position, sent temporary sectaries or personal assistants to do busy work to help medical office get caught on their billing, but the most humbling thing she has ever done is help her church by taking phone calls before she even owned her business.
       Lois was missing out on the humble attitude you get from teachers and students when you do not sit in a leather chair with polished desk that look like you are in the senate. Mya struggled with grades in school, he boyfriend breaking up with her all the time, and his addiction to drugs that she was not aware of.
       Mya does not want Lois with a boy like Lorenzo. Lorenzo always lied so well you thought he was telling the truth, but he was hooked on cocaine, and he sold drugs as well.
       Lois is dropped off at her new school and her step father was not aware it was public school.
       Lois looked around the class room and saw no luxury. Most kids were dressed from outlet stores and not top fashion. She saw gum under the desk and she had sit near front of class because many of the teachers allowed students to pick their seats.
        "Lois, you seem to be new so I will allow you one month to catch up on our readings and join our class decision on class room social network," said the teacher.
       Lois had read the novel over two years ago, and during lunch since she had no friends at her new school she contributed to the conversation on the blog. The teacher was surprised but did not her negative approach and gave it to the Vice Principal.
         The Vice Principal made Lois sign up for school paper since she needed to freely write. She also told Lois no more negative blogging or else consequences would follow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

South East Michgan

        The Foxworth family have seen a decline in their businesses since 2006. Donny had got so many people flying to a social network with a bird flying on it or a social network about displaying a picture that he had to go up on cost to the advertisers. Mya had to lower her cost by laying off workers, and spend my time in her office or promotion of her company locally. Lois who was now age 12 had been suspended from school and now waits outside of Principal's office while Mya Foxworth gets an ear full.
        "Good afternoon Mrs. Foxworth. I have summoned you here because I fear you are not aware of Lois Foxworth's resent activities in school. She has been caught using improper language in the lunch room, a nail file in her purse, and now fighting. I was told by a staff member that Lois attacked the other student first. This is a private school for prestigious young ladies not a juvenile detention center, and I have decided to remove Lois. I can not have her horrible behavior rubbing off on the other young ladies. please sign the papers at the front desk and her things have already been removed from the school property," said the woman Principal.
          "Lois why did you start a fight with another young lady? Improper language in the lunch room, and you took a finger nail file to school? I want to know the meaning of all this," said Mya.
          "That bully has threaten me for weeks now and you and dad are never home. I took the nail file to school to scratch her, the improper language was used by her first, and I hit her after she swing at me and missed. I rather go to public school than back to that proper private school place of hell," said Lois.
            Mya stopped the car and pulled over and looked at Lois. This was the first in history of parenting she truly did not know what to do at all! Private schools do no accept out of the blue enrollments and Donny does not like public school system. Mya finally completed the drive home to paid home that cost 1.2 million dollars to build.
            "I dislike the public school system Mya. You and I both went to public schools when it was different time period. Public schools are broke, have less supervision, and less supply. Let me speak to Principal and get her back in the school," said Donny.
           Donny did not know that a person who had been wait listed took the spot of Lois and the Principal refund their money for the rest of the semester. Donny is not used to failure but great success and Mya has over come he fear of failure and did wish to return to a life of failure.
           That night at dinner the table had become quiet until after the main course was served. Mya had a cook prepare a Caesar salad, Italian baked bread, a soup, and Pasta with steak.
           "Lois since you are finish I am dismissing you to your room. Mya you have to find a school that is private that will accept her. The public schools around here are not up to my standards," said Donny.
           "You want me to take time off from my business to fix a problem near impossible to solve. The private school deadlines were in August of 2009! Lois will just have to go to public school, and maybe it will be wake up call not to get kicked out private school," said Mya.

The Empire Of The Power Couple

     There is a power couple in most people's lives. The couple seems inseparable, flawless, to never make mistakes, and so in love. The couple know each other's pros and cons, how they take their coffee, what to order at certain restaurants, and display wonderful parenting skills in front of all.
     Donny Foxworth had been the kind of man who graduated from high school at age 16, from undergrad at age 20, and begin working at his on small business at age 25. He created a social network just for his clients who used his website program. There were companies who wanted to advertise on his social network which he makes about two million dollars.
     Mya Foxworth is a woman who has an associate degree, she owns a personal organizing company that earns about 250k before 2006, and now it earns her about 100k. She had one child by Lorenzo who was her high school sweet heart. Mya is a woman who has always had barriers to knock down in life.
      Their story begins in  January 1, 2010 and the Empire is begining to show signs of invasion and a power struggle.