Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Rift

     Mya had put Lois in a public school, but she was unaware that the school had called Donny to inform him about the negative blog on a school social network. Donny was so furious that Mya did not keep Lois home for a few days and put her in private school.
       “Mya can we talk in the family room immediately, a public school called me today saying Lois wrote a negative blog on the school social network! We agreed she would go to a private school! She is being insubordinate because she is used to a certain environment in private school,” Said Donny.
       “Donny I wasted close to 40 hours of my business time and manpower at my company to find her private company, and unless we are shipping her off to boarding school across seas she has to attend a public school until the end of this year,” said Mya.
       “She has a passport, and boarding schools have living quarters,” said Donny.
       Mya basically set Donny on fire with her words and told him she has endured everything she can take, and she has lifted him up so many times when he was down, she has given her church to attend his church, she has not had another child because he did not want one, she has allowed him to be a father to her child, she given up most of her old friends because he said they were holding her back.

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