Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Move Out

       Two weeks have gone by since Mya moved out of the mansion and into an apartment. To make things worse Tess shows up to Donny’s job and they have lunch at an Italian restaurant together where he loans her $500.00.
 Sarah was at desk and made sure see rubbed in Donny was out with Tess. If Mya made a scene by showing up to that location she looks desperate and unconfident. She still had the house keys and Miranda could pick up Lois. Mya paid the staff and released them for the entire day. Donny came in about 7:00 p.m. He did notice the staff was missing and wonder where every one went.
       “You are never going to get that Tess only dated you because of credit card and cash in your wallet. How much did she get out of you this time,” said Mya.
       “You left out of this house, and unless you come back it is none of your business,” said Donny.
       “Tess is not your wife, my last name is Foxworth! I will not have her showing up an taking every dime I worked for because you never think with your brain when she is around. I worked hard to maintain this home and you as well. I will not let Tess make a fool out of me or Sarah your 28 year old receptionist,” said Mya.
       “I am not sure why Sarah told you where I was and who I was out with. That is information she should not reveal,” said Donny.
       Mya was so sick of tired of Tess causing stress. Donny handed Mya divorce papers and told Mya to sign them or move back in house and obey by his rules. Mya rips the paper in half and tells “When the Devil is room it time for her to leave,".

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